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В Ставрополе до конца лета благоустроят сквер в районе завода «Нептун»

Специалисты начали благоустройство сквера в районе завода «Нептун» на проспекте Кулакова в Ставрополе, сообщает пресс-служба городской администрации

The main conceptual idea of the text is the urban renewal of a public square in Stavropol. Here are the key points: * Project scope: The project involves the revitalization of a park area near the "Neptune" factory on Kulakov Prospect. * Funding: The project is funded by both federal ("Comfortable Urban Environment" program) and regional ("Support for Local Initiatives") programs. * Progress: Work has already begun, including demolition of the old pavement. The next stage will involve communication upgrades. * Future developments: The renovated park will feature new pedestrian paths, benches, and flower beds. The text focuses on the positive impact of this project on the quality of public spaces in Stavropol.

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